27th September 2019

Creative Writing

Upon the forest floor lay the trees of yesteryear, cut down and long forgotten. The winter has been harsh, stripping away all the life that once called this place home. The rising sun pierces through the canopy heating up the snow covered ground below. Spring is finally here and the dormant no man’s land begins to blossom as the ferns peirce above the blanket of white. As you stand there, surrounded by nature, you hear the soft subtle sounds of birdsong chirping from above. It comes in lulls and bursts, breaking the endless silence. The curious fantail follows you through the woods, watching over you like a guardian angel.

The smell of timidness fills the air. A slight breeze enters your nose with the distinctive scent of damp untouched earth combined with the refreshing smell of rich pine. The colossal pines tower over you like city skyscrapers. The only difference being that these skyscrapers create life, not smoke. Although there is no one else around, you know you’re not alone. The trees are very much alive, gossiping to each other as their leaves blow in the wind. The wooden giants shelter you from the harsh elements, creating a sense of comfort and protection. 

Apart from the odd bird call or breeze, the forest is overcome with a void of silence. It’s a quite so quiet that it makes your head hear strange noises. It’s the deafening lack of noise that creates a noise in itself. Mysterious, yet rendering the forest all the more beautiful. 

“Crunch  crunch”, your rugged brown boots pierce through the crusty top layer of spring snow. You cast your eye into the distance only to find something else staring right back at you. The Deer blends in so well with the terrain she’s almost impossible to see. Wide eyed, the creature stares at you for what seems to feel like an eternity, not moving a muscle. You remove your gloves, exposing your bony hands to the brisk arctic like elements. sitting there drinking tea, surrounded by nature, there is no place you would rather be.

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